Our beloved dog, Köpük, had a situation that we had trouble managing; especially during my…
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World's Famous Animal Communicator Anna Breytenbach's Talk With Panther Spirit Video
I wanted to share this video that I came across on YouTube years ago, which ignited the flame in me and made me say " Yes, it is possible! "The…

We Are All Connected With The Vibrations We Emit From Our Hearts
I was very impressed by the amazing story shared by a friend of mine today, and I wanted to share it with you.The person you see in this photo is…

My Desire To Talk To All Underwater Creatures
Those who know me, knows well my passion for underwater and diving. I wanted to share an adventure I experienced while on a diving tour in Egypt ( 2015 ).They…

If Your Children Will Stay At Home While You Go On Vacation
Hello again! I would like to write on this important topic while we are currently experiencing. This is my sweet and beloved cat, Minnoş.Since we are going to visit my…