I was very impressed by the amazing story shared by a friend of mine today, and I wanted to share it with you.
The person you see in this photo is Lawrence Anthony, his heartbreaking story below….
Following the death of a person in Africa on March 2, 2012, a mind-blowing thing happened.
An environmentalist named Lawrence Anthony suffered a sudden heart attack in his home in Africa and passed away. Known for his ability to communicate with elephants, especially calming down uncontrollably aggressive ones, Anthony helped many elephants to survive. The elephants, which were shot by humans owing to entering their land or attacking them, had calmed down thanks to Anthony, and stopped being any 'threat' to humans.
The surprising thing happened 12 hours after Anthony's death.
A group of the elephants he had rescued came to his house, walking in a single line. These elephants, presumably have come from a 12-hour distance, stayed around his home for 2 days. A day after, another group of elephants came from somewhere else, and by looking at the distance they traveled, it was understood that they also took off at the moment Lawrence Anthony died.
These two groups of elephants came to mourn the death of the person they care for, with whom they could communicate, and they loved. Elephants are one of the rare animals that mourn death. When they see a dead elephant, regardless of whether it belonged to their group or not, they mourn.If the body is exposed, they cover it with branches and leaves. They recognize themselves in the mirror, dig water pits so that they can drink later, and have an incredible memory.
Apparently, they were sensitive enough to feel the collapse of a heart, which they had a connection with, from miles away. How did they understand Anthony's death is a question mark, but at the same time, their arrival is a proof that the energy / communication of the heart is spread over a very wide area, regardless of species.